1.5 lakh is more ‘smart’ meter for established in the state at the end of September – News2IN

1.5 lakh is more ‘smart’ meter for established in the state at the end of September

1.5 lakh is more 'smart' meter for established in the state at the end of September
Written by news2in

Gurgaon: In an effort to provide a urge that is needed for the ‘Smart’ ambitious state meter project, the electricity department has set a target to install around 1.5 lakh such as meters in Gurgaon, Faridabad, Karnal and Panchkula at the end of September.
Only about 3.5 lakh meters from 10 lakh planned to be installed in these districts has been arranged so far, where around 70,000 are in Gurgaon.
The project was launched by the Haryana Government in 2018 with the deadline for June 2021.
In recent hearing by the Haryana Electricity Regulation Commission (HERC), the power department and energy efficiency service LIMITED (EESL), which implemented projects in the country, has accepted that Project progress has been “late and under expectations”.
But officials, convinced Herc that a joint effort would be made.
With the help of a ‘smart’ meter, the power bill will be sent to consumers digitally without the need for physical inspection by discoming officials, and they can easily pay for online or offline fees.
Prepaid facilities will also be available.
In addition to accelerating the project, the power department has also proposed sending all information related to electricity bills and complaints to consumers through WhatsApp and email.
“We are targeting an installation of around five Lakh Smart Meter in Gurgaon, Faridabad, Karnal, and Panchkula at the end of next month.
We have directed the EESL and district officials to work on the warping now.
We overhaul the process of issuing bills,” said Secretary of the Head (Electricity Department ) Das.
The department has pushed the deadline for the project until December 2023.
“We installed more than 1,000 meters a day before the lock.
Having the same momentum continues, we will almost reach our target on August 31.
But the supply of meters stops because of locking and still taking the time to pursue Pre-locking speed.
The rain in July caused further delays but we still managed to increase momentum.
Between August and September, we will install around 25,000-30,000 meters a month in Gurgaon, “said an official DHBVN.

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