1 Quote Vaccine Covid-19 Offers Nearly No Shield: Hospital Studies – News2IN

1 Quote Vaccine Covid-19 Offers Nearly No Shield: Hospital Studies

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New Delhi: The dose of a single vaccine does not offer significant protection of symptomatic or severe Covid-19 infections, a study conducted by a leading private hospital in Delhi suggests.
This study was based on Covid infection among health care workers at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital from March 1 to May 31 this year, during the deadly second wave.
Satwik, the main writer of this study, told TiI their studies of the effectiveness of vaccines revealed that a single dose offered a slight protection against symptomatic infection or “interest”, namely, the risk of developing severe symptoms or death to Covid-19.
6 died in Covid in SGRH in 3 BLH, 5 employees who were not vaccinated received a single vaccine per study, the incidence of symptomatic infection in health workers who had received a single dose vaccine (after 21 days of getting shots) was 12.3%, compared with 13 , 9% in a group that is not vaccinated.
About 2% of the subjects of vaccinated research were partly developed while experiencing moderate to severe disease and 0.7% needed additional oxygen therapy on the Covid-19 contract.
In comparison, 3.3% of health workers who were not vaccinated in developing moderate to severe diseases and 1.7% added additional oxygen therapy.
When these numbers show, there is little difference between the two groups in vulnerability to the virus.
“Our findings are in line with the Scottish data of public health on the protection of a single dose on the Delta variant.
However, it is different from the simple but significant protection offered by one dose as seen in research from CMC Vellore (protection of 50%) and the British public health (33 % protection), “he said.
This research includes 4,296 health workers employed in SGRH.
From them, Dr.
Satwik said, 2.716 had received two doses of covishield, 623 had received a single dose of vaccines and 937 were not vaccinated on April 30.
There are 20 others who have received Covaxin or Pfizer, and they are not included in this study.
Between March 1 and May 31, the doctor said, 526 of 4276 (13%) health workers were tested positively Covid-19, where 2% asymptomatic, 82% had mild symptoms, 10% had moderate symptoms and 5% severe disease.
Six health care workers died of Covid-19, where five were unknown and one had received a single dose of vaccine.
There is no mortality among health workers who are fully vaccinated.
However, research shows, some health workers do gain infected and developed symptoms despite being fully vaccinated.
The effectiveness of vaccines for two covishield doses given at the 30-day median interval is 28% for symptomatic infections, 67% for medium diseases to severe, 76% for additional oxygen therapy and almost 97% for death.
“Our study reported lower protection by two doses of symptomatic infections.
However, it also shows that people who are fully vaccinated have a high level of protection against moderate to severe illness, additional oxygen therapy and death,” said one researcher.
The findings of SGRH studies have been published in letters to the European Drug Journal of the Journal of Internal Column.
Interestingly, the author noted that previous infections with SARS-COV-2 significantly protected against all the results studied, with the effectiveness of 93% seen against symptomatic infections, 89% against moderate diseases to severe and 85% of additional oxygen therapy.
All deaths occur in individuals who were previously not infected, the author has stated, adding that the previous infection offered higher protection than offered by a single dose or double vaccine.
“This information might be useful in determining vaccine policies.
In countries that face the lack of acute vaccine, the administrator can consider the coverage of the initial full vaccine, prioritizing ever infected, before the emergence of other SARS-COV-2 outbreaks,” Dr.
Ambota Satwik, a person Vascular surgeons in SGRH, which are also part of this study, tweeted.
Other writers involved in this study were Satenda Katoch and crash crowded.

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