1 skilled lakh worker to get a tablet in Uttar Pradesh – News2IN

1 skilled lakh worker to get a tablet in Uttar Pradesh

1 skilled lakh worker to get a tablet in Uttar Pradesh
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The state government will provide 1 lakh tablet to skilled workers for free as part of the skills development mission.
This step is intended to help workers sharpen their skills further and perform better at work.
The government through the portal www.sewamitra.up.gov.in and Call Center 155330 provides a variety of services to skilled and general people.
Skilled workers who are looking for work can be applied through this portal, which also facilitates their training to hone skills.
As part of the mission, the government has launched the ‘Seva Partner’ service in 25 districts to produce work among skilled workers.
Services are currently being tried and will soon be launched in the remaining districts.
The 50-seat call center has also been established in this regard.
According to the director of the development of the development of the mission of Kunal Silku, the rent of partners is a very good service for the community.
“One of these service specialties is that the name of the provider and rates appear on the screen as soon as someone ordered service,” he said.

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