10 ‘Paramiliter’ Colombia Killed in Clash: Maduro – News2IN

10 ‘Paramiliter’ Colombia Killed in Clash: Maduro

10 'Paramiliter' Colombia Killed in Clash: Maduro
Written by news2in

Caracas: Ten “Paramiliter” Colombia died while clashing violence between armed groups and security forces who had damaged Caracas, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Monday.
Firefights first broke Wednesday night, forcing people to escape from their homes.
The socialist leader said at least 20 “Colombian paramiliters” helped train armed groups who had carried out continuous shootings, leaving a number of unknown civilians killed by “stray bullets.” “At least 20 paramiliters of Colombia, we arrested three with their weapons, it seemed that other people were killed identified,” Maduro said in front of the Presidential Palace of the President.
“I don’t know whether the number they gave right, 10 was killed, and there were others fled and we looked for them.” The Venezuelan Armed Forces have been involved in clashes with Colombian armed groups along the border since March 21, displacing thousands of civilians who fled to Colombia.
Venezuela did not name the armed group blamed riots, besides calling them “terrorists” or connecting them with drug trafficking or to Colombian President Ivan Duque.
However, the security source in Colombia said they were likely to be pushed from the revolutionary armed forces which are now disbanded as Colombian rebel groups (FARC), Maduro analysis – who have accused Colombia and the United States trying to overthrow it – have admitted it could be.
Maduro said the paramilitary has trained “criminals and terrorists” for months.
“They have a ditch, they have a place called bunker, they have a typical paramilitary logistics preparation for war in Caracas,” he said, adding that “between 200 to 300 criminals” was paid for money obtained from drug trafficking.
On Saturday, at least 26 people died after almost two days clashed between Venezuelan security forces and gangs that controlled a bad environment in Caracas.
The victim was 22 gang members who were suspected of being suspected and four police officers died, said Interior Minister Carmen Melendez.
He said a number of non-determined non-combatants died and 28 people were injured, 18 of them were observers.
A total of 2,500 officers were deployed to take one Barrio, or slum, called Cota 905.
The authorities offered a $ 500,000 prize for the gang boss who run it.
Police confiscated 24,000 rounds of ammunition, three rocket launchers, five rifles, four light weapons and several pistols.
There are quite a lot of “bullets for war throughout the year,” Maduro said on Monday, without determining whether the 10 paramiliters were between Saturday’s death.
He also said that part of the cache of the weapons belonging to the Colombian National Police and Colombian troops.
Maduro has connected the criminal gang with the alleged plan by Venezuela’s opposition, which is supported by the United States and Colombia, to “disrupt” the government.
Bogota, meanwhile, has long accused Venezuela from the protector of FARC members and eln armed rebel groups on his land – Maduro’s accusations denied.
Some Farc fighters who refused to join the peace process had continued their struggle, while also mixed with and fighting drug traders in regions without law in Colombia.
Venezuela and Colombia, who shared a border of 2,200 kilometers (1,370 miles), diplomatic bonds were cut off in January 2019, after Bogota recognized the opposition leader Juan Gueado as the leader of Venezuela for debated elections.

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