11,702 Complaints related to ‘housing’ delayed by the National Consumer Commission – News2IN

11,702 Complaints related to ‘housing’ delayed by the National Consumer Commission

Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Ministry of Consumer Affairs on Friday told Rajya Sabha that 11,702 consumer complaints related to “housing” are waiting with the National Consumer Commission, NCDRC.
In a written reply to the question, the Ministry proposed that a total of 4,150 cases were waiting before the consumer commission in Delhi over the past five years.
On whether the government proposed to regulate the trajectory court quickly to cleanse cases of people over 70 years, said the ministry, “Consumer Protection Regulation (Consumer Commission Procedure), 2020 Notified in Consumer Protection Act, 2019 stated that the cases were submitted By or to senior citizens, physically challenged, widows and people who suffer from serious diseases must be registered and disposed of priority.
“Responding to other questions about the number of pending complaints in the consumer commission in the entire state in the past two years, the Ministry said in 2019 A total of 1.71 lakh submitted and 1.26 lakh of them was thrown away.
But in 2020, the Consumer Commission can throw less than 50% of complaints.
The ministry said the Commission waste 53,352 complaints from 1,15,866 complaints.
The number of cases delayed was 63,733 over the past year.

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