$ 12BN: Pollution load on the Indian Health Bill – News2IN

$ 12BN: Pollution load on the Indian Health Bill

$ 12BN: Pollution load on the Indian Health Bill
Written by news2in

Around 11:20 a.m.
on Thursday in October.
Like most working days of the Outpatient Department (OPD) of Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute (VPCI) in Delhi gathered with patients.
While the doctor’s panel continues to examine patients in OPD, the queue outside grows longer.
Waiting for his turn was Sanjeev Negi and his son.
The 36-year-old Ola taxi driver was there to see the ‘Bade Doctor’ (senior pulmonologist) after his six-year-old son, Pranjang, was referred to there by a local doctor in the Nehru Vihar area.
Pranjal was asthma and everything was worse for him in October because air quality began to deteriorate in the national capital.
“We have suggested by the doctor to install air purifiers in our house or if possible, shift to the city with better air quality.
Negi must often take leave because of his son’s health.
He has spent most of his savings about costs, tests and drugs Doctor’s treatment.
“We live by hand.
How can I buy air purifiers? I also can’t shift to another city.
I can return to my village in Uttarakhand but how can I get? “He asked.
Negi produced anything between Rs 600 and Rs 900 a day after expenditure.
Left breath pollution has a durable effect on public health and economic welfare in different ways such as lower labor productivity, lower consumer legs, Early mortality, lower asset productivity, increased health costs and welfare losses.
Diseases and deaths related to pollution have caused additional financial burdens to the public in the form of medical expenses and income loss.
Based on national health accounts data, estimated to total health care costs at India in 2019 was $ 103.7 billion.
With air pollution responsible for 11.5% of the burden of disease in 2019, the cost of health care for diseases related to air pollution will be around $ 11.9 billion.
Total health expenditure in India is 3.8% of GDP, while economic losses due to loss The output of premature death and morbidity which is attribised to air pollution which is estimated in this study is 1.36% of GDP.
In 2019 around 1.67 million people died in India from pollution related diseases, according to the Lancet medical journal.
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