13 months after the death of youth, father managed to submit the FIR against the road contractor – News2IN

13 months after the death of youth, father managed to submit the FIR against the road contractor

Written by news2in

Nagpur: After a 13-month struggle, Retired Banker Bhanudas Jiwane, 68, has succeeded in submitting FIR against Jalan Rajesh Godhani’s contractor in the death of his son on September 22, 2020.
But with the police only registered a violation of the contractor, Jiwane said his struggle against ” Injustice “not over.
Bhanudas Pratik’s son, who was 32 years old, suffered a serious head injury after his bicycle slipped in gravel and gravel lying on a stretch of BESA-Ghogli who lacked construction on September 16 last year.
Pratik helmets have sneaked from his head during the fall.
He died six days later.
The family had a terrible time ensuring the best treatment for Pratik in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.
They have to spend days outside the hospital on the road.
Even after a Pratik death, the family was made to run from a police station to another police station.
The Dhantoli police station, refused to register a violation under Zero Cemara, asked the family to approach Hudeshwar or the Bellarodi police but both refused to register violations.
Even though the police believers have recovered a pratic bike and Tiffin from that place, they did not want to take complaints, said Jiwanes.
Only after Bhanudas refused to do his son’s last ritual that police belarmi “reluctantly” registered unintentional death.
Bhanudas repeatedly sent correspondence to the police belarman to register violations but every time they refused on some or other pretth.
“I submitted a RTI query looking for detailed investigations by police belterodi.
Surprising, they claimed to have missed some important formalities at the crash site,” he said.
“There is no signature warning about transferring or ongoing work.
There is no light or reflector.
My child misreaded it into a smooth road and the possibility of driving in gravel or gravel that caused the accident,” said Bhanudas.
The letter to the police commissioner also did not produce positive results.
Bhanudas said he was looking for Lokayukt intervention after the police department might start his complaint seriously.
“On Saturday, we got a call from the ACP office to record a statement for violation registration,” said Bhanudas.
Bhanudas slipped in his struggle for justice by Nirmala’s wife and Daughter Wrucha.
“It seems like there are more accidents in those places, because some broken number plates are found,” Wrucha said.
When it was mentioned to him that the violation was registered in Section 304 a of the Indian Criminal Code (IPC) to cause death from era of lavoyation, Bhanudas said he was not surprised.
“The police protect road contractors,” he said and added even government engineers and departmental heads concerned, which should oversee work, unable to escape from obligations.
Additional Commissioners, NMC, Ram Joshi said the Nuisance (NDS) detection squad had been instructed to take action on violators to maintain or store building or construction materials on Carriegeways.
“We issued a notification to violators and also seized the material.
Even the police can take action because it leaves such a building or construction material on the road is a crime of obstruction for traffic and also a public disorder,” Joshi said.
He added that the NDS team must also focus on other priorities too.
Senior Inspector Chandrashekhar Yadav from the Beltarodi police station said there was a delay in registering violations due to a prolonged investigation.
“The harmed family has approached the body of human rights,” he said, by adding the case will be taken to the logical end.
Additional Prosecutor Prosecutor Prashant Sakhare said the 304A IPC was allegedly.
“If punished, the court can punish the guilty of prison, which can be expanded for up to two years or alright or both,” he said.

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