14% of women, 18% of men have high blood sugar in Telangana – News2IN

14% of women, 18% of men have high blood sugar in Telangana

Hyderabad: About 14% of women and 18% of men in the state are being monitored for abnormal blood sugar levels or taking medication to control blood sugar levels in the state.
Abnormal sugar levels recorded are greater than 140 mg / dl.
Data from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Union shows that blood sugar levels in men and women are higher in urban areas than in rural areas.
In Telangana, 21% of men in urban areas have high blood sugar (greater than 140 mg / dL), compared to 16% in rural areas.
About 18% of women in cities have this condition, compared to 13% of women in rural areas, while 14% of women in rural areas take medication to regulate their blood sugar levels.
Interestingly, the data of the World Health Organization (WHO) for November revealed that around 25% of diabetics correctly used their medicine.
The rest uses it inappropriately or does not use the drug at all.
“Every blood sugar level (lunch post) 140 mg / dL is considered high even though it is not diabetes.
Blood sugar levels above 180 mg / dl are considered diabetes.
This requires lifestyle management with a healthy diet, the right drug and exercise Regular, “said Dr.
Kiran Madala, an Indian Medical Council certified researcher (ICMR).
Which also estimates that in 2017, nine million people around the world have type 1 diabetes (since childhood with certain medical conditions), but 95% of patients have type 2 diabetes, which are caused mainly by lifestyle problems and can be controlled with the help of maintaining heavy A healthy body.
Adults with diabetes have a risk of heart attacks and strokes that are greater than threefold, according to experts.
Worldwide, around 54% of potential diabetics are not identified, and in India, that number is 49.7%.
“Avoid smoking and drinking after a certain age,” said Dr.

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