14 years giving a baby in Raj, accusing 3 teenagers rape – News2IN

14 years giving a baby in Raj, accusing 3 teenagers rape

14 years giving a baby in Raj, accusing 3 teenagers rape
Written by news2in

Jodhpur: A 14-year-old girl gave birth to a baby at a government hospital here on Sunday night.
He has been referred to the hospital from his village in Jodhpur’s bales subdivision by considering the obedience of this case.
After learning about the incident from the hospital administration, the police arrived there.
The girl’s parents named three small boys in her school violated it.
“We have taken the girl’s statement and registered firmly against three small boys according to his statement”, said DSP (Bales) Raju Ram Choudhary.
He said boys named, who according to the girl had violated it, also studied at the same village school.
The police also told the Child Welfare Committee (CWC), after President CWC, Dhanpat Gurjar, reached the place and obtained the details of the girl and his parents.
“On Sunday, the girl suffered severe severe pain in her stomach, after her parents took her to the health center in the village.
But considering the hassle of this problem, they referred it to the Uzaid Hospital in Jodhpur,” Gurjar said, added that he gave birth to a baby At night Sunday night.
The Rajasthan State Commission for the protection of children’s rights has also noticed the problem and his chairman Sangeeta Beniwal visited him at the hospital on Monday afternoon and talked to girls and families.
According to Beniwal, the girl studies in the 9th standard and has not been fully open about the entire incident.
“I have been looking for factual reports from the police and also ask about taking baby DNA samples”, he said.
Beniwal said he had named 3 of his class boy who took him into the jeep somewhere and one of them raped him, which he said, needed to be investigated.
(The identity of the victim has not been revealed to protect its privacy according to the direction of the Supreme Court about cases related to sexual violence)

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