146 Police Test + Ve – Highest Single-Day Count – News2IN

146 Police Test + Ve – Highest Single-Day Count

146 Police Test + Ve - Highest Single-Day Count
Written by news2in

Mumbai: A total of 146 personnel from the Mumbai Police were tested positive for Covid-19 on Wednesday.
This is the highest number of single infections recorded in strength between December 31 and January 12.
Previous height was 126 on January 10, 107 and 100 each on January 12 and January 7.
The total active case in style is 884 to Wednesday from a total of 10,123 which has been positively tested since March 2020.
There was no death because Covid-19 had been reported after three early deaths – between January 6 and the police – between January 6 8.
Until now, 126 has died in the city police because of the virus.
About 50 police station members Marg Kasba in Borivali East have been tested positive for Covid-19.
The police station has held a testing camp on Monday where all personnel undergo tests.
When reports begin to exit gradually, the level of participants starts to climb.
The majority of those who were tested positive were police.
All positive personnel have been asked to isolate themselves and test their family members.
“Although many staff do not show symptoms, they cannot be called to the police station to work.
The shift of duties must be reworked in such a way that the staff are not burdened,” said a source.

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