16L litre overhead tank Prepared, Nevertheless no tap water – News2IN

16L litre overhead tank Prepared, Nevertheless no tap water

16L litre overhead tank Prepared, Nevertheless no tap water
Written by news2in

Nagpur: A 16 lakh litre capacity overhead water tank is prepared.
House-to-house pipeline system was set around seven decades before, yet many regions in Kalamna are still rely on water tankers.
Because of lackadaisical attitude of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) and Nagpur Improvement Trust (NIT), taxpayers need to lineup to at least a few hours to collect drinking water in tankers.
As though this isn’t sufficient, water supply through tankers is inconsistent, complain taxpayers.
BJP corporator Rajkumar Sahu increased the problem in overall meeting, held to explore the NMC budget.
TOI visited the neighborhood and discovered that taxpayers were facing severe hardships to keep water being provided through tankers.
Radhabai Karnake, a senior citizen,” stated because the region comes under NMC limitations, they have not obtained tap water although the NIT had put the pipeline about eight decades back.
“We’ve been talking about the NMC and NIT officials, however in vain.
Each single day, senior citizens like me fight to get a bucket of water being provided through tankers.
In the event the NMC cannot control the overhead tank, then it must supply 1 tanker per family weekly ,” she explained.
Residents also raised distress over tanker mafia preventing NMC’s water works department in charging the raised water reservoir.
A senior officer from NMC’s water works division blamed NIT for its delay in charging the water tank.
NIT had passed over the tank into the NMC in March this year.
“We have the overhead tank that has many incomplete functions,” the official promised.
“As April, the NMC has installed valves and also inter-connection of the tank using Wanjari Nagar tank.
The job of sump was completed from the NMC,” he maintained.
NIT had begun building function of this overhead tank at 2007 and has been supposed to finish it by 2010.
Afterwards, the governmental bureau extended the deadline to 2012.
Together with the tank structure, NIT had undertaken house-to-house pipeline laying work in 2010.
The pipeline system was finished in 2014-15, said a source.
But, because of a few disputes, the builder participated for the tank structure left the job midway.
This compelled the NIT to get another builder to finish the job.
This also almost doubled the job price, ” said the source.
The tank is nearly ready.
The NMC will probably recharge the community and begin ordinary tap water source to the occupants, stated a water works division official.
Mayor Dayashankar Tiwari led the department to begin water supply into the area without additional delay.

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