Ahmedabad: Chief Minister Gujarat Vijay Rupani on Monday digitally inaugurated the new PSA oxygen factory built in the Public Health Center-Gadhda in botuades through video conferencing from Gandhinagar.
Rupani said that more than 175 oxygen factories had been installed in the country with a target of 300 oxygen plants with the aim of producing 1800 metric tons of oxygen in the state to meet the possibility of the third wave of Coronavirus.
During normal days, the demand for medical oxygen remains around 100 metric tons.
But during the corona second wave peak, the demand for medical oxygen was raised to 1200 metric tons.
Apart from intense demand for medical oxygen, not one single patient in Gujarat has died of lack of oxygen.
GOG maintains medical oxygen supply in hospitals through systematic planning.
CM is proud to say that, Gujarat is the only country in the country where the second wave of Coronavirus has been controlled without imposing total locking.
Locking has been put in place in many state states, because they cannot control the second wave of Covid-19.
CM said that Gujarat had succeeded in controlling the situation raised by Covid-19.
8 Lakh people in the state have recovered.
The recovery rate also reaches 98 percent.
Now we leave this Covid-19 pandemic.
70 Registered Cases yesterday, which had reached up to 14000 in the past.
“We pray that we do not face the third wave of Coronavirus.
However, if the third wave comes, we make the settings needed to fulfill it and more people are not infected”, said CM.
There are currently 2 oxygen factories operating in botads.
The Gadhda Public Health Center Factory was built at RS costs.
22 lakh will produce 150 liters of oxygen per minute that will benefit the people of 80 villages around Gadhda when needed.