17,600 took a Vax shot in Lucknow, 76% appeared for JAB 1 – News2IN

17,600 took a Vax shot in Lucknow, 76% appeared for JAB 1

17,600 took a Vax shot in Lucknow, 76% appeared for JAB 1
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The Daily Covid-19 vaccination rate remains below 20,000 for the second consecutive day on Thursday, but more people are now advancing for the first shot, which they cannot take before for various reasons.
Of the total 17,651 people who took the JAD on Thursday, 1,3391 (76%) were the first doses of the temporary dose of 4,260 (24%) took a second shot.
Each figure for the first and second dose recipients in the 18-44 year category is 9,344 and1,273, while in groups of 45-59 years the numbers are 2,925 and1,941 respectively.
In the age group 60 years and over, 949 people took the first dose while 800 took a second shot.
A similar ratio in all of these groups was witnessed on Wednesday.
Vaccination of 45-year-old people began in March, as a result, the people who came for the second dose after a 12-week gap began to increase in May.
In the first week of July, those who were looking for the second dose followed the number of first dose recipients.
Officials said for the past two days, the second dose recipient in the 45-plus category was more than the first.
Four more at Covid-19 Gripfour, more people contracted Covid-19 in the city on Thursday while the same number of patients recovered in the last 24 hours.
The number of patients with active infection status now stands at 52.

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