2 Kolkata students and one from Kharagpur in Top 50 Clat – News2IN

2 Kolkata students and one from Kharagpur in Top 50 Clat

2 Kolkata students and one from Kharagpur in Top 50 Clat
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Three students from Bengal have made it for CLAT 50 – two of them from the city and from the same school.
All Indians rank 8, 24 and 35 have been bagged by three boys.
All three choose the law because they feel the country desperately need a good lawyer.
While Topper Bengal (ranked 8) Ameya Deb is from St Agnes School Kharagpur, two others, Debarshi Ghosh Dastidar and Rohit Ray originated from the city and both studied at DPS Ruby Park.
Grandfather Ameya is a senior lawyer, who practices in the Calcutta High Court.
So, from a very young age he wants to be a lawyer too.
He has scored 97.5% high in ISC and studied science in Plus II but he was determined not to train for engineering or medicine.
“I want to do the courtroom training and don’t want to be a company lawyer,” Ameya said.
“Our legal system is mired in the problem and I want to do a little to help people who suffer due to lack of legal assistance,” he said.
His first choice is the Bangalore National Law School.
Debarshi Ghosh Dastidar, who has been ranked 24th, has passed his CBSE XII last year and did not register with the undergraduate program for the whole year so he could prepare his CATAT exam.
“My parents were very scared and thought that I was too many experimenting.
But even though I was at CBSE XII (Science), I didn’t want to learn techniques / medicines.
I didn’t get the entrance ticket in the flow I wanted (economy) at The University of St Xavier and Jadavpur.
In the presidency, I got physics but did not want it because I only focused on the preparation of Clat.
Fortunately, my experiment has paid off, “Debarshi said.
The Instituts of choice are NLS Bangalore, Nujs, Nalsar University, Hyderabad, Nlu Bhopal and NLU Jodhpur.
Despite the fact that his parents were doctors, the 35th ranked holder Rohit Ray did not want to be one.
He studied the Humanities in Plus II and prepared for Clat.
“I want to learn the law and see what the industry wants, but I’m not sure if I will be a lawyer.
Maybe after completing my legal course, I might be branching into something else,” he said.
Rohit will choose Nujs because he does not want to leave the city.
“I want a more balanced life and it might happen when I was at home,” he said, adding that he wanted to continue to be a track and field and soccer.
He was on his school team for both.

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