2 more + ve in the UMRED chain; NIV is also for conducting genomic studies – News2IN

2 more + ve in the UMRED chain; NIV is also for conducting genomic studies

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Two more relatives from the Umred family from where the sample eight members were previously sent by the CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEEI) for sequencing genomes, positively tested Covid-19.
On Monday, the government decided to send samples of all these 10 patients to the National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune, for “parallel studies”.
Last week, Neer had sent eight samples to the center of cellular and molecular biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, to look for possible mutations.
All 10 family members have been received at the Covid Umred (CCC) treatment center.
Although no new guidelines notified for their compulsory institutional quarantine, receipts have not been shown on the note by a civil surgeon, Dr.
Devendra Paturkar.
The civil surgeon did not respond to toi calls in this matter.
Neer has not received two new samples while IGGMCH officials say they have no detail of all samples.
Last year in November-December, NIV could not process all samples sent by IgGMch suspicious tensions of British.
Sharmila Raut, incharge from Iggmch VRDL, referred to the question to Dr.
Ravindra Thakary District collector confirmed to the Toi that two more people from the same age group had been tested positively.
“The results of eight samples given earlier to Neer awaited.
We will send all 10 samples to NIV, Pune, in the next few days,” he said.
“Anyone who processes a faster sample will be the first to give results.
This will be a parallel study,” said Thakre.
Thakre said the first two people had tested positive on June 18.
“Furthermore, in a high-risk contact search, six more positive people.
Two more were found positive between last Friday and Monday.
Everything had to live in institutional quarantine for 14 days.
Based on the latest RTPCR results and the results of the genome sequencing, we will receive their calls,” he said.
Asked why they were required to be asked to stay at the CCC, the collector said, “We are worried because the threat towered from the Delta Plus variant and the whole family suddenly turned positive.” The district health official said the family was lightly symptomatic and fine.
They said 10 patients from two families were related to each other living in nearby homes.
About 42 close proximity is at high risk of the area they are tested negatively.
10 patients including a woman returned Mumbai who was the first person to test positive after his parents, cousins, uncles and aunts were also infected, they said.
Some of them have been vaccinated.
CSIR-NEEI is part of the Indian SARS-COV2 genomic consortium (insacog) in the SARS-COV2 genome sequencing.
According to the Indian government project, Lab Neer has found a total mutant B.1.617 (including B.1.617.1 and B.6.617.2) as a ‘dominant variant’ in the sample investigated for the Nagpur region.
The study was led by Dr.
Krishna Khairnar Neer on a sample of the RPTS Swab Collection Center from November 2020 to May 2021 carried out in collaboration with CSIR-CCMB Hyderabad.

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