2 times the former leader of MLA & JD (U) Maheshwar Singh joined RJD – News2IN

2 times the former leader of MLA & JD (U) Maheshwar Singh joined RJD

2 times the former leader of MLA & JD (U) Maheshwar Singh joined RJD
Written by news2in

Patna: Former two-time leader MLA and JD (U) Maheshwar Singh on Saturday joined RJD in front of Tejashwi Prasad Yadav.
Tejashwi welcomed Maheshwar and said he would further strengthen RJD.
Opposition leaders in the legislative assembly attacked the government Kumar Nitish and confirmed that it would come down immediately.
“They (nitish) have been in power from the back door.
Even those people want this government to go because it has been formed against the mandate,” Tejashwi said, criticizing the government for the issue of education, health and law.
Speaking of the allegations carried out by the Madan Sahni cabinet minister, Tejashwi said it also asked questions about CM’s term.
“He (Nitish) is corruption bhishmpitamah.
More than 60 fraud has emerged during his term, but not a minister or officer was questioned.
In June, there was no transfer carried out without money,” he thought.
When asked about the accusation of the Deputy brother of CM Renu Devi in ​​the case of land grabbing, Tejashwi sarcastically said, “Once in BJP, you become King Harishchandra.
All sins are swept away after joining BJP and no officers will dare to touch you.” At Jatui MP Chirag Paswan, the RJD leader said he had empathy with him.
“What happened to him was wrong.
Now he must decide whether to come with hard work to save the constitution or will remain with the followers of thought,” he said.
Meanwhile, RJD leaders are preparing for the celebration of Gala Silver Jubilee from the party on Monday.
At night the foundation, the senior party leaders will talk on Facebook directly on Sunday, said State spokesman RJD Chitranjan Gagan, added, “Then Ji will speak from Delhi on Monday.”

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