20 IIT-Patna students, positive covid teacher tests – News2IN

20 IIT-Patna students, positive covid teacher tests

20 IIT-Patna students, positive covid teacher tests
Written by news2in

Patna: With at least 20 students and teachers testing the positive Covid, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-P) has ordered the suspension of classroom teachings to further notice.
However, online class will continue.
Public Relations Officer IIT-P Rajendra Taramanik on Tuesday confirmed that at least 20 students and teachers from institutions had tested positive Covid.
More than 1,400 students live in six hostels, including two intended for girls, on the vast campus of IIT-P near Bihta.
Taramanik added while infected students shifted to a separate hostel block to prevent the spread of further viruses, the teachers were asked to enter into the isolation of the house.
“None of the infected students or teachers need inpatient care.
However, the IIT-P administration monitors their health conditions.
They all recover well,” said Taramanik.
Given the Covid outbreak, IIT-P has also limited the entry of outsiders, including guardians, to campus.
Taramanik said the sanititis at the hostel, where the teacher and other buildings were underway.
“Even a small meeting has been banned for this time,” he said.

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