20 years 9/11: American war in terror in 10 graphics – News2IN

20 years 9/11: American war in terror in 10 graphics

20 years 9/11: American war in terror in 10 graphics
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Exactly two decades ago today, the US was shaken to the core by the bravest and the most deadly terror attack on the ground.
Visually scary events from 9/11, which lasted for several hours, finally formed the American war road against terror for the next 20 years.
Trillions of dollars have been spent in post-9/11 conflicts and nearly one million people killed.
Global terror has had an impact on several countries around the world.
Thousands of Americans continue to face widespread discrimination.
And the geopolitical pull of war has increased further.
In the amount: War 20 years of America on the 10 TerroreseShese graph showed how the 9/11 events formed 20 years – the cost of the shocking war: in life and the dollar! Function (“Use Strict”; window.
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