20 years since 9/11: Timeline defines 2 decades ‘war against terror’ – News2IN

20 years since 9/11: Timeline defines 2 decades ‘war against terror’

20 years since 9/11: Timeline defines 2 decades 'war against terror'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, the nineteen hijackers took control of several US passenger jets and lowered some of the most symbolic buildings of the United States.
A plane alone crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City.
Then the second plane.
Then the third plane about the Pentagon.
Then the fourth plane was shot in Pennsylvania.
Terrorists have hit the United States with full strength.
With the collapse of the twin towers, hope for peace culture is destroyed for every American and the world in general.
The second tower of the World Trade Center exploded on fire after being beaten by a plane in New York, September 11, 2001.
(Reuters) the attack killed 2,977 people from 93 countries.
2,753 People Killed in New York, 184 People Killed in Pentagon, and 40 people died with flights 93.
Terrorists 9/11 are members of the Al-Qaeda Islamic extremist group planning their attacks in Afghanistan.
President George W.
Bush listened when the Chief of Staff of White House Andrew told him about the second plane about the World Trade Center.
(Reuters) Post 9/11 Period is the time after the September 11 attacks, marked by increasing non-American suspicions in the United States, increasing the government’s efforts to overcome terrorism, and more aggressive American foreign policy.
The deadly terrorist attack in the history of the United States marks the 20th anniversary of this year.
This timeline tracks important years that the trap continues today.
The damaged area of ​​the Pentagon building, where commercial jetliners slammed into it September 11, seen in the morning at sunrise with the US Capitol Building in the background, September 16, 2001.
(Reuters) September 11, 20011 the country-qaeda operator hijacked 4 aircraft Commercial, crashing them to the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington.
President George W Bush promised to ‘win the war against terrorism.
“Zero US in Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.
September 2001 The economic impact of the 9/11 market fell 7.1% on the first day of trade after the New York City’s economy lost 143,000 jobs a month.
The heaviest losses are in the field Finance and air transportation, which accounts for 60% of the lost work, according to history.com.
October 2001bioterrorism and the creation of the Domestic Security Tters Department containing anthrax spores sent to the office of several media houses including New York Post and NBC in New York City – only a week After the 9/11 attack.
It killed two and infected 17.
The letter was sent to the former United States Senator Tom Daschle, which contained anthrax.
(FBI / Getty) 18 September 2001a president war footing George W Bush signed a shared resolution problem to ratify usage strength to those responsible for attacking the United States on 9/11 October 7, 2001 the opening explosion of MI US liters started the bombing campaign against Taliban troops.
The initial phase of the war mainly involved US USASTRIKES in Al-Qaeda and Taliban forces.
The US Air Force B-52 flew after releasing a bomb at the forefront of the Taliban position near Bagram airport, about 30 km north of Kabul, November 8, 2001.
(Reuters) December 2001o Bin Laden Escapesal-Qaeda Laden Osama bin Laden was tracked into the Tora complex Cave Tora is equipped in southeast Kabul.
The Afghan army and al-Qaeda guerrillas were involved in a fierce 2 week battle.
Several hundred people died and laden finally escaped to Pakistan.
December 9, 2001 Taliban Collapsesas per report, the final Taliban regime is generally bound to this date.
Taliban gave up Kandahar and the Taliban leader Mullah Omar escaped from the city.
He left Kandahar under tribal law managed by Pashtun leaders.
However, Al-Qaeda leaders continue to hide in the mountains, report the council about foreign relations.
April 17, 2002Recontruction Afghanistanpresident George W Bush called for Afghan reconstruction.
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