20-yr-Old end life to ‘reduce family burden’ – News2IN

20-yr-Old end life to ‘reduce family burden’

20-yr-Old end life to 'reduce family burden'
Written by news2in

Mumbai: When the Vakola police received a call on Monday about 20 years which hung himself, officers began to do documents and rather mechanical documents.
However, this, one of the few suicides they met since the Covid-19 outbreak.
But the researchers hardened to be left spy after the conversation with the woman’s family revealed why he took drastic steps.
Kavita (not her real name) does not want to add to the financial debt of her parents when she witnesses them struggling to meet the needs of the daytime.
Kavita, her three siblings lived in the 10ft x 10ft room at Santacruz Slum.
Every inch of the house reflects how poor it is.
But when police officers Pravin Rane and Bharat Satpute squeezed inside, they were surprised by how clean and neat the room was.
“We started asking questions with Kavita’s parents, but they really still and won’t say a word,” Satipe said.
Girls want to sell it to fund cellphones for their police school experiences, officers initially thought that a failed love affair or TIFF with parents of academics might be a suicide motif.
They turned to Kavita’s siblings because they found out the reason was a must for an investigation to advance.
“For some time, Kavita’s youngest brother is the only one who speaks, maybe because of the gentle age.
Then the other siblings began to open.
A picture of a young woman is determined to give her family a better life to appear before our eyes,” Rane said .
Kavita is in class X when the oldest sister is married.
He’s father, a car driver, and his mother, Househelp, has no funds to arrange marriage and borrow a lot.
They did not have the money to pay for the Junior Kavita campus.
Very hard, after pleading and begging for acquaintances, his father collected Rs 6,000 to pay the cost of XI class Kavita.
Kavita went to college to pay a fee but turned around the road and returned home.
He told his mother, it was impossible for his father to pay Rs 6,000 and it was only logical that he began to work and lend his hand.
Kavita began working at the factory the following day and even managed to save a small portion of her salary.
In 2020, the pandemic was attacking, and the family financial situation worsened when working dries.
Meanwhile, Brother Kavita needs a smartphone for online classes, and her parents don’t have.
Kavita did not want her education to suffer in a way she had to break up.
He took out the gold chain he had bought from his savings and asked his mother to sell it to buy a smartphone.
His mother’s eyes were fixed on the movement, but he had to refuse Kavita’s request.
“His parents had found a match for Kavita, and the gold chain was the only jewelry they had for his marriage.
Kavita quickly realized that her parents had to borrow a lot for the second time for marriage.
Stress gave her headache and herdness.
Finally, she decided To end his life (by hanging) in the hope that it would ease the financial burden of his family, “Rane said.
Very glued by the story of Kavita, Rane wrote a long and emotional post online.
His failure that reads it is equally touched, and some have offered to help the Kavita family financially as appreciation to him.

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