22 Organizations urged PM Modi to include teenagers in the priority agenda during his I-Day speech – News2IN

22 Organizations urged PM Modi to include teenagers in the priority agenda during his I-Day speech

22 Organizations urged PM Modi to include teenagers in the priority agenda during his I-Day speech
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Some organizations working for the development and welfare of adolescents have urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to include this group in the priority agenda during his independence day speech, by saying by issuing a call to invest in it, a lot of progress was achieved.
In a combination of Prime Minister, 22 organizations, including the foundation of the Indian population, the midwifery federation and the gynecologist, Swades Foundation and the Indian Association of Parlementarium on the development of the population, said that handling thousands of teenagers who had been influenced by the Pandemic Covid-19 would offer hopes for the population This and inspires changes.
“On the 75th Independence Day in India, when we look forward to a breth of the future for our nation, we will be grateful if you enter Indian teenagers in your priority agenda in your independence day’s speech.” By issuing calls for all parents, teachers, organizations, and protection bodies to listen to our teenagers and invest in it, a lot of progress can be achieved, “they said in their letters to the prime minister.
They said with the emergence of Covid-19 pandemic and locking leads to the closing of the school, the imprisonment of an extended house and mental anxiety due to uncertainty and insecurity in the future, the challenges faced by adolescents have become increasingly exacerbated.
“We know that you are worried about critical needs not to save the health and welfare of young people but also .
Complete this future leaders to take advantage of the opportunity to bring India to new heights.
“By defining ‘teenagers’ as different groups with unique requirements, we can take the first step towards a better understanding and, thus, protecting our young champions,” they said.

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