270 species of winged guests arrived in Jaisalmer – News2IN

270 species of winged guests arrived in Jaisalmer

270 species of winged guests arrived in Jaisalmer
Written by news2in

Jaisalmer: with a gradual dipping temperature, more than 270 species of migrating birds, including eagles, cranes, and nasar birds along with endangered ones such as general thrush rock and lapwings hanging out, from all over the world have started visiting the desert national park and at Near the area.
Wildlife experts and bird observers have linked the phenomenon with rain both in this year’s dry area that contributed to greenery.
They said some rare species of cooler countries such as Kazakhstan and Russia visited for the first time this year and they were happy to learn it.
Friendly lapwing, which is on the verge of extinction covers around 12,000 km from Kazakhstan to reach Jaisalmer.
Duck, which is usually found in the Himalayan area has been seen in the area of ​​Lathi, Dholi, and Khetolai from Jaisalmer.
Thousands of Kurja birds have come to the Ramdeora and Khetolai area.
Divesh Saini specialist said, “Thrush rock common thrushes or rufous tail breeds in open, dry and hilly areas, usually above 1,500 m above sea level.
They build a trophy nest in the rock cavity and lie down 4 to 5 eggs per clutch .
“” they are omnivorous and consume insects, berries, and small reptiles.
Thrush common rock generally shy and quiet, but they can make a short-pitched whistle.
men produce soft songs and melodies are charming, “he said.
Avoider of environmental and bird observers, Radheyshyam Kenunan, said, “Friendly Lapwing is rare and is very threatened by international trade unions for natural conservation (IUCN).
This species breed in Kazakhstan and Russia, and reach India in winter.” He said this medium-sized lapwing had a long black leg and short black bill.
Summer adults have gray backs and breasts with dark stomachs and white undertail, he said.
“The head has a striking pattern with a black crown and spy, the latter is limited above and below with white.
The upper neck is OK.
Long black feet, white tail with black terminal ribbons, and typical chocolate, white and gray wings Abu made it almost no more on the flight.
His call was ‘Kereck’ who was hard.
Winter adults have a less different head pattern, a little browner back and breasts, and white stomach, “he said.
He said Vanellus Gregarius (Vanellus Gregarius) was critically threatened with extinction due to a rapid decline in population and habitat.
He said “this species breed in open meadows in Russia and Kazakhstan.
These birds migrate to the south to the winter site, including India.
It feeds insects in the meadow.” Meanwhile, the birthday of 124 Dr.
Salim Ali, Birdman of India, was celebrated as the National Bird Day on 12 Friday in the park.
Bird observers and natural fans of Jaisalmer have planned a bird survey.

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