3 Ghana Women Arrested with 5kg Gold Biscuits – News2IN

3 Ghana Women Arrested with 5kg Gold Biscuits

3 Ghana Women Arrested with 5kg Gold Biscuits
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Packing the body, the term applied to the practice of hiding narcotics in the body of smugglers, is not new.
Now, gold smugglers also take tricks.
The narcotics control bureau has detected cases in Mumbai T2 where three women from Ghana were found to have included 5kg of gold biscuits into their bodies.
NCB suspects three insert gold through the vagina.
Acting on certain intelligence, it intercepted the trio, which came from Dubai on Tuesday.
When asked to state if they bring gold, they denied it.
But X-Ray nailed their lies.
NCB officials conducted X-Ray in three Ghana women at the J J hospital after looking for permission from the additional Metropolitan Magistrate Head.
The report confirmed the existence of gold biscuits.
“It’s surprising how they put these gold pieces in their bodies,” said an official.
Every woman hides between 1kg and 2kg of gold.
Officials say procedures for extracting gold may not be easy and some risks for women’s health are not ruled out at this stage.
Officials said they took medical advice about this procedure.
After gold was extracted and the defendant was all out of the hospital, they will be placed under the arrest under the provisions of the Customs Law.

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