3 GOP prospects for 2024 criticized Biden on a political event – News2IN

3 GOP prospects for 2024 criticized Biden on a political event

3 GOP prospects for 2024 criticized Biden on a political event
Written by news2in

City of Nebraska: Three Republican President’s Prospects on Sundays sharply condemned President Joe Biden handling the end of the war in Afghanistan, rebuking the administrative behavior of the US withdrawal as weak and like budgeting his enemy.
Florida GOV.
Ron Desantis, Texas Sen.
Ted Cruz and former Vice President Mike Pence attended Governor Pete Ricketts Steak-Fry Fundraiser in the city of Nebraska, a city in the southeast corner of the state and only a few miles from Iowa, traditionally the first.
State to choose in the president’s primary.
Three republics, all weighing 2024 campaigns, spoke to more than 1,000 faithful Nebraska parties.
All praised the US troops on duty in the 20-year-old war driven by September 11 terrorist attacks, but the trio did not relight a lot of political unity which defines the days which followed 9/11.
“They watched what happened, in China and in Iran and in North Korea and in Moscow,” Desantis said.
“These countries are afraid of Donald Trump.
They are not afraid of Joe Biden and they do not respect Joe Biden.” Cruz repeatedly called the administrative response to the Taliban Afghanistan takeover as an American, Western and Afghanistan with US bonds rushed to get out of the country “a disaster.” “Every American enemy takes the size of men in the Oval office and everyone, each of them has determined that the President is weak and ineffective,” Cruz said.
Biden and other US officials revealed the surprise last month with the Taliban Afghan Taliban takeover rate before the US-out deadline on Saturday, September 11.
On August 26, around 170 Afghanistan and 13 members of US services, including Corps Marine.
Daegan William-Tyeler Page, 23, from Omaha, was killed in a suicide bombing by Islamic extremists at Kabul Airport when people flocked there to escape from the country.
“Chaos that follows, and loses 13 extraordinary soldiers and women, including a hero from here in Nebraska, destroying my heart because it never happened,” Pence said.
Pence described an oval office meeting where Trump, discussed the US withdrawal plan from Afghanistan with the Taliban in early 2020, threatening military attacks if the Taliban endangers Americans.
Biden Administration follows the Kabul Airport bombing with air strikes against Islamic extremists.
GOP picnics on the grounds of the historic garden of the State of Arbor Lodge along the Missouri River served as an initial stage for the Republican Party with the presidential election of 2024, even when Trump hinted at the third campaign.
“I know what I will do, but we shouldn’t talk about it,” said Trump on Saturday when visiting New York City and fire officials, according to the New York Post.
“But I think you will be happy, let me say that.” Desantis, a republican man who rose in his criticism of Biden Covid-19 policy, was criticized as adjusting the requirements of the new federal vaccine that swept the president for private sector employees, health care workers, and federal contractors in the face of Delta Covid-19 which jumped variants.
“I am against him against him,” Desantis said, nodded legal action discussed by the Governor of the Republic.
“We will be at the forefront with a full spectrum response.” Some of the Republican governors, including Ricketts, said last week they discussed suing the White House over the Biden vaccine requirements.

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