3 injured in a raw bomb blast in West Bengal – News2IN

3 injured in a raw bomb blast in West Bengal

3 injured in a raw bomb blast in West Bengal
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Three people suffered injuries when crude oil bombs went in an empty school building on Sunday in the Sason area in the district of North Pargana North West Bengal, a police officer said.
According to officers, the three of them might make a bomb in the one-story building.
“We suspect that they make raw bombs when explosives go,” he said.
Neighbors, heard a deafening sound, rushed to the place and found them lying on the ground, groaning in pain.
The room, where the three of them found lying injured, had the door exploding in a blast.
A local BJP leader said the three of them “must bring loyalty to TMC”, and bombs are made to create riots in the area and target of Safron workers.
Sources in TMC rejected the claim and said the police examined this problem, and anyone involved in the law that violated the law would be brought to the task.

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