3-shot Zydus Vax for RS 358 dosage – News2IN

3-shot Zydus Vax for RS 358 dosage

New Delhi: The Ministry of Health has placed a purchase order for one dose of crore from the Covid Vaccine three doses of Zydus Cadila Zycov-D at RS 358 per dose, exclusive GST.
The government aims to start the distribution of Jab in December as soon as the inventory began to flow in.
The price includes Rs 265 per dose of Zycov-D plus Rs 93 for a needle-free applicator or jet injector, which suppresses liquid drugs become narrow.
streams that can penetrate the skin.
Zydus previously proposed a price of 1,900 Rs to the three-dose regimen.
However, the government succeeded in dropping prices significantly after strict negotiations with the company.
The government has obtained the Covishield Serum Institute at Rs 215 per dose, while Bharat Biotech Covaxin is charged Rs 225 per dose.
ZY-COV-D – The first DNA vaccine in the world – will be given on a zero day, day 28 and day 56.

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