‘300 Crane Demoiselle died of bird flu in 2 Raj DISS’ – News2IN

‘300 Crane Demoiselle died of bird flu in 2 Raj DISS’

'300 Crane Demoiselle died of bird flu in 2 Raj DISS'
Written by news2in

Jaipur: About 300 Demoiselle Cranes (Grus Virgo) has been reported to have died since November 6 in the latest Avian flu incident in Jodhpur and Udaipur, according to the Wildlife Trust of India report.
With the number of deaths it is still increasing, the entire state is at a high warning.
So far, this virus only affects the demoiselle crane, locally called “Kuranja”.
The first report came from Wetlands Kaparda on November 6 with 56 cranes found dead and several others showed signs of disease.
Field Workers are on standby with preparation to prevent an outbreak that is similar to what happened in Sambhar two years ago when thousands of migration birds died.
According to the report, the virus only affected Crane Demoiselle, locally called “Kuranja”.
The first report came from Kaparda Wetlands on November 6, with 56 cranes found dead and several others showed signs of disease.
After responding to such cases in the past, Raksha and WTI team members were ready for other emergency wildlife.
After rapid coordination with the Department of Forest Rajasthan, a veterinary team, rescue, animal handling and mobilized coordinator on the ground.
About 130 sick birds were treated at an emergency shelter setting up about 5 km from the disaster location.
“Livestock and Forestry Department are now on the ground to further limit the situation but at this time we see a reduction in the number of infected birds compared to the beginning of this week”, said an official WTI.
Symptoms are drooping heads, Opomehotonos, panting, an increase in anal temperature followed by hypothermia, unilateral or bilateral, bleeding in the eye (with some shows whitish blue films above the cornea), anorexia, dehydration, diarrhea and immobility.

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