33 sis take the exam to prove courage – News2IN

33 sis take the exam to prove courage

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: City police conduct tests for 33 sub-inspectors at the Police Commissioner on Saturday to measure the effectiveness of the investigation process.
Police Commissioners, Police Inspector and New Resources have recently done legal classes for 64 which are recruited directly in it two phases.
“They are taught about their roles and strengths described in the Code of Criminal Procedure (CRPC),” said a police officer.
On Saturday, the details of the murder case were given to 33 sis, who attended the first phase legal class and was told to prepare a case diary, register the film statement and record from the defendant and witnesses.
Senior officers will evaluate their performance.
The class and test will increase the efficiency of investigative officers, said Police Commissioner Deepak M Damor.
Deputy Deputy Commissioner of the Chararas said that city police had conducted classes for the past month.
“As many as 609 police from the city police station and special units and 240 of the city armed reserve police were trained.
All police in the city will get basic training within four months,” he said.
“Armed reserve police personnel were taught to handle weapons and to guard the detainees.
Police personnel who attended the court assignment were trained to keep the court diary and how to produce witnesses on time.
Those who patrol are trained in how to do vehicle checks and handle civilians,” added the civilian ,

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