34 patients get ‘cocktail’ medicine for covid in Nashik – News2IN

34 patients get ‘cocktail’ medicine for covid in Nashik

34 patients get 'cocktail' medicine for covid in Nashik
Written by news2in

Nashik: The State Health Authority has provided monoclonal antibody ‘regn-cov2’ care for 34 patients suffering from Covid-19 in Nashik.
According to officials, the drug was given to beneficiaries treated because Covid-19 in private facilities and civil hospitals.
However, the accusation for drugs in a civil hospital was abolished.
The price of each combined dose of 1200 mg (600 mg of each casingivab and imdevimab) around Rs 60,000 on the market.
Overall, 100 doses of drugs were made by the state government in civil hospitals on July 15 on July 15 on the condition that they could only be given to patients in a high-risk category.
The civil surgeon Dr.
Ashok Thorat said, “We accept 100 doses of drugs, which, 34 has been given to patients so far.
We seek the help of private practitioners in referring patients to civilians where drugs are given.” “Health beneficiaries to whom the drug is given Monitored.
Overall, 34 patients have received medicine.
The health of each patient is normal, “added Dr.
The officer also said that 50 drugs were given to Dhule and Ahmednagar district.
Health authorities say that five beneficiaries of each of these districts have been given drugs.
Antibody cocktails help in fast recovery without oxygen or ventilator requirements.
“No need for oxygen or ventilator for these patients who fall under the high-risk category and the recovery is also smooth and faster,” the officer added that each patient must only be given a single dose of monoclonal antibody drugs.

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