Ludhiana: On Sunday, 38.81% of students emerged for a public school entrance test (CET) to enter students to enter schools in all the states.
Of 961 registered students, 373 were present for CET in four centers – Multipurpose GSSS, SSS Ramgarhia Boys, Ggsss Bharat Nagar and GSSS Jawahar Nagar Boys.
The exam is held from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Safe! You have managed to throw your voteogin to see some students, who have not paid the exam fee, allowed to take the exam after signing the declaration that they will deposit a fee within three days after conducting test behavior.
Some students, who cannot get a roll mold do not, harassed.
Students are tested in mathematics, English and science and bring 50 values each of the papers they tried in class X having the same syllabus.
There are 4,100 seats, each of which 500 in eight schools with humanities and science and 100 seats (only the flow of humanities) for girls in Hoshiarpur.