3k-plus NEET answers in 15 centers in Goa – News2IN

3k-plus NEET answers in 15 centers in Goa

3k-plus NEET answers in 15 centers in Goa
Written by news2in

Panaji: More than 3,000 students answered the national feasibility test (NEET) (UG) from 15 centers throughout the cave on Sunday.
In accordance with the data provided by the National Testing Agency (NTA), 2,483 women and 882 men are registered to answer the test from Goa.
The presence of more than 95% was witnessed, although many parts of the Goa received heavy rainfall on Sundays.
The exam is scheduled to take place from 2pm to 5 pm.
However, to facilitate social distance, the entry of students to inspection centers is planned in a staggering way and the exam room begins to take students since 11:00.
Students have been warned that 1.30 in the afternoon is the last time to enter the exam hall.
However, as throughout the country, in Goa too, on Sundays, some students look to reach the exam center slower than the time assigned.
Students say that unexpected rainfall delays them.
The source in the exam hall said that most students who reached overtime in Goa were accommodated as far as possible.
“The Invigilator began to explain the norm at 1.40 in the afternoon.
Even though the last time to report to the exam hall was 1:30 a.m., students were accommodated to 1.40pm, given the factors such as rain and other exigities.
But those who reported at 1.55 pm It cannot be permitted.
Students realize the restrictions of time long before, “said an official in the exam center.
To be able to maintain social distance, the number of students is limited to 12 per examination hall.
Frisking is done using electronic devices before students are allowed to enter the exam center.
The inspection center increased from 10 years to 15 years 2021, although the number of students registered for this year’s exam has dropped.
The smallest center in this year’s cave accommodates 250 students and 660 the biggest students, said sources.
NEET (UG) is a pen and paper exam.
Students answer the exam through a readable computer sheet.

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