3rd wave: Share Dolo MKT near 60% – News2IN

3rd wave: Share Dolo MKT near 60%

3rd wave: Share Dolo MKT near 60%
Written by news2in

Mumbai: They only memes, but promised to release traditional advertising campaigns and outwit any influencers too.
Dolo 650 has its moments under the sun on social media with funny and reckless memes capturing Despair infected with Covid to maintain fever and body pain.
Over the past few weeks, with omicron waves get fortresses, the social media platform has been berangz with wild memes and posting on Dolo 650 pain relief pills.
As a result, market share of pills – sold by Bangalore-based Micro Labs – Sky-Rocketed in December (see Graph), and show this month’s surge too.
Dolo 650 has 650 mg paracetamol, which is an antipyretic (for fever) and analgesics (to relieve pain).
Estimates show more than 80 memes circulating, thus raising concerns about indirect promotion of prescription drugs, irrational use and inappropriate self-treatment.
More importantly, experts show that promotion and advertising drugs violate drugs and treatment of magic acts, and should not be left unchecked.
Because paracetamol is a drug scheduled, it cannot be promoted under fever.
“Many patients treat themselves without the right diagnosis – this can even cause serious side effects,” said Secretary General of the Indian Medical Association Dr.
Jayesh Catfish to Ti.
“Dolo has become a brand of four large utility brand letters and everywhere for many people.
This, in turn, has caused a type of dolo 650-in-house movement.
For OTC (over-the-counter), this is a super- Brand, “said Harish Bijoor brand strategist.
Micro Labs is taken.
VP executive (marketing) Jayaraj Govindaraju said, “We have promoted it according to the law, and there is a legal warning on the package.” While paracetamol is known as a well-tolerated drug when taken in the specified dose range, overdose can be associated with severe liver and pancreatic injury, they add.

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