4 Horse Regiment Remember Phillora Battle Heroes – News2IN

4 Horse Regiment Remember Phillora Battle Heroes

4 Horse Regiment Remember Phillora Battle Heroes
Written by news2in

Ludhiana: 4 horse regiment on Sunday remember the phillora fighting heroes and conducted a plate ceremony of the flower bouquets at the commemoration of Major Bhupinder Singh outside the Rose Park.
Siddharth Singh’s aide captain of 4 horses led one small contingent and was a try with Major Bhupinder Singh, which was actually awarded with the Maha VIR chakra.
The silence of two minutes was also observed to pay homage to the martyr.
It relates to mention here that the Battle of Phillora was one of the biggest battle tanks fought during the Indo-Pak War 1965.
Major Bhupinder Singh led his squadron bravely in this war from September 11-19 and fought with enthusiasm and also destroyed many tanks Enemies in Phillora and Sodrek.
On September 19, the tank was beaten badly and burned.
Major Bhupinder Singh was evacuated and shifted to the Delhi Military Hospital where he gave up on injury on October 3, 1965.

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