42 Students Actu Form WA Group for cheating, ordered – News2IN

42 Students Actu Form WA Group for cheating, ordered

42 Students Actu Form WA Group for cheating, ordered
Written by news2in

Lucknow: APJ Engineering University APJ Abdul Kalam on Saturday took action against as many as 42 students to use unfair facilities (UFM) in the ongoing online semester exam.
These students have formed groups on social media platforms, especially whatsapp and telegrams, for cheating.
In a letter to the Director and Principal of the affiliated college, the examination controller of Aktu Anurag Tripathi said, “According to the rules, these students will be given zero values ​​on their subject caught cheating.” Universities are conducting full investigations and other students involved in cheating in findings and technical reports will also face disciplinary actions, Tripathi added.
Among 42 students who face actions to use unfair, six comes from the Institute of Management and Technology Kamala Nehru, Sultanpur, four of the SR of the institutional group, Jhansi, and two of the Arya College of Pharmacy, Bareilly and Tahira Institute of Medical, Gorakhpur, among others.
The PG entrance test results said on Saturday announced the results of the postgraduate entrance examination.
HiMani Verma from East Delhi emerged as a peak in the Master of Architecture (M.Arch), while Saurabh Singh from Meerut was top of the entrance of the Master of Pharmacy (M.farma).
Rajat Verma of Lucknow occupied the peak of the entry for Master of Technology (M.Tech) and Noida Nikhil deswalfer Nikhil first position in the Master of Design (M.DES) course.
The university will conduct a general test for the Master of Business Administration (MBA), Bachelor of Design (B.Des) and Master of Computer Applications (MCA) in September 5.
The entrance test for other courses, including BVA, BFAD, BVOC, is scheduled at 6 September.

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