4,422 Take a booster dose on the first day in the letter – News2IN

4,422 Take a booster dose on the first day in the letter

4,422 Take a booster dose on the first day in the letter
Written by news2in

Letter: On the first day of the prevention dose, a total of 4,422 people were vaccinated at 39 centers in the city.
Those who were vaccinated including 2,002 health workers, 466 frontline workers and 1,954 senior citizens.
Senior citizens and individuals who meet other requirements for the booster dose have started receiving messages on their cellphones with details of the vaccination center near their residence.
The messages are sent to the direct benefit of the Cowin application, health officials get information.
The booster dose of covishield and covaxin is given to beneficiaries on Monday.
“Considering the limited number of individuals for a booster dose, it seems vaccination will continue for a long time now.
The details of the booster dose will be added to existing individual certificates,” said a health official.
Meanwhile, vaccination for 15 to 17 years old teenagers continued in 61 schools and nine other centers.
A total of 12,394 teenagers are vaccinated on Monday.
Until now, 1.39 lakh teenagers have been vaccinated in the city.
Because of the lack of vaccines, the drive was stopped in February in the city.
To encourage citizens to vaccinate the Municipal Corporation letter strictly apply restrictions and do not allow individuals to enter their offices on Mondays that are not vaccinated.
A total of 1,28 lakh individuals who visited the SMC office in the city on Monday was examined where 4,858 people were found not vaccinated.
They are not allowed to enter the office.
The red and high risk risk zone announced the Health Office of the Municipal Corporation (SMC) letter has stated the red zone and high-risk zone in various areas of the city.
A total of six regions in Vesu, City Light, City Light, Ghod Don Road, Canal Road and Joggers Park have been declared Red Zone.
While 14 regions have been declared high-risk zone throughout the city.
SMC has created a barricade at the entry point and exits these areas.
The court was closed for physical hearing of districts and court sessions, Athwalines were still closed for physical hearing because of covid restrictions.
However, the physical hearing on emergency problems will continue temporarily for other cases, online hearings will continue.
Bandobast Police have been installed at the entry point of the court campus and visitors are not allowed to enter.

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