5 Rohingya refugees were held in Noah due to lack of paper, someone had a fake aadhaar – News2IN

5 Rohingya refugees were held in Noah due to lack of paper, someone had a fake aadhaar

Written by news2in

Gurgaon: Five Rohingya Refugees, including a two-year-old woman and son, has been arrested in Noah because they do not have a card issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
These cards confirm the status of their refugees and prevent authority to take “arbitrary actions” to them.
Aadhaar and fake pan cards also recover from one of them.
While the police said the fifth sneaked into India illegally, Noah MLA Aftab Ahmed nicknamed the arrest of the case of “abuse”.
On Wednesday, seven Rohingya refugees were turned on at first.
While two of them could produce valid and released paper, the fifth was arrested for a lack of documents.
“This is an ongoing investigation.
The five Rohingya who were arrested had been stored in your resistance.
They did not have a refugee card, which meant they lived illegally,” said Narendra Bijiariya, SP from Noah.
Saidul Ameen, one of the five defendants was found with aadhaar and fake pan cards.
The police said the aadhaar card he had mentioned as the address of Aligarh.
Even though he has a photocopy of the refugee card issued by UNHCR, the date of birth mentioned above and the one on the Aadhaar card is different.
Saidul, who has worked in a meat export company for the past two years, has also bought a fake GST number.
“We found the GST form after looking for it.
To submit a GST form, there are certain conditions that need to be fulfilled.
We think he has more fake documents in his ownership.
We saw that,” said a police officer.
Saidul has been ordered under the 420 section (cheating and dishonesty), 467 (forgery), 468 (forgery for cheating purposes) and 471 (using original as false) from IPC.
Others – identified as Ridhwan, Arfat and Haseena – have been arrested under Section 14 Foreign Acts, 1946, because they do not have the right documents.
Arfat and Haseena have also been charged under Section 12 passport laws, 1967.
“They have all crossed the border illegally.
They do not have a visa, passport or other document.
Hasena’s three-year-old son will still be arrested with his mother,” the officer said that.
The police said they would carry out random checks on the Rohingya family in Noah.
A few weeks ago, three people from Bangladesh and Myanmar were arrested from the Ghaziabad train station for the alleged trade of women and children of Rohingya in Delhi-NCR.
Ahmed, Noah Mla, described the arrest as “abuse” by the police.
“This is a clear abuse case.
There is about a thousand Rohingya families who live in Noah and they try hard to make a living.
Previously, some of them had submitted a Aadhar card.
But when they realize that these documents apply only to residents Indian countries, they retreat, “he added.
MLA, however, said nothing about the fact that five who were arrested by Rohingya also did not have a refugee card.

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