50 patients benefit from the center of CMCH artificial limbs – News2IN

50 patients benefit from the center of CMCH artificial limbs

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: Thanks to the artificial leg production center founded at Coimbatore Medical College Hospital (CMCH) last year, this district did not have a delayed application to find artificial limbs for several months now, said Vasanth Ram Kumar, different welfare officers.
While the different welfare department is used to get a member of the artificial body from private producers through previous government insurance schemes, in-house production centers have now helped the department to avoid delays.
Because of the inception, the center has helped with heavy-made weight.
About 30 of them were patients who underwent amputation in CMCH and 20 others were referred to by a different department of welfare.
A doctor said the case of limb amputations increased due to various reasons such as trauma and diabetes.
There are only a few artificial leg centers in each state.
Previously, patients were amputated from Coimbatore having to go far to Chennai for free prostheses, which are difficult to remember their health and financial conditions.
Getting the prosthesis of personal arrangements will be charged a patient around RS 3 Lakh.
S Vertivel Chezian, Director, Orthopedic and Traumatology Institute, CMC, said, “Our idea was to establish an artificial legal center at Coimbatore Medical College Hospital to help in need in the western part of Tamil Nadu without placing the government’s financial burden.”

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