54 Cases – Lowest since April 15 last year – News2IN

54 Cases – Lowest since April 15 last year

54 Cases - Lowest since April 15 last year
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The National Capital on Monday recorded 54 fresh Covid-19 cases, the lowest since April 15 last year, and two more deaths while the level of participants dropped to 0.09%, according to data distributed by the Ministry of Health here.
Delhi has recorded 14,34,608 Coronavirus cases since the pandemic began last year.
So far, more than 14.08 lakh patients have recovered, said Bulletin Department of Health.
Toll death stands at 24,997, he said.
There were 912 Covid-19 cases active in Delhi, the bulletin stated.
This is the lowest since April 10 last year when 862 cases are recorded.
There were 300 people under house isolation while the number of detention zones stood in 701, he said.
Delhi reported 59 cases of Covid-19 and two deaths on Monday.
On Sunday, the city has reported 94 cases of Covid-19 with a 0.13% participant and seven deaths.
National capital has recorded 86 cases with a 0.11 percent participant and five deaths on Saturday while 93 cases with a 0.13% participant and two deaths are recorded on Friday.
According to Covid19india.org, Crowdsourced initiative that collected data on Covid-19 and vaccination in India, Delhi has recorded 17 cases on April 15 last year.
Bulletin said 61,405 tests, including 49,607 RT-PCR tests, were carried out the previous day.
Delhi faces a brutal second wave of pandemic who claims a large number of lives every day.
The rapid increase in the number of cases caused medical oxygen shortages in various city hospitals.
On April 20, the city reported a record of 28,395 cases.
On April 22, the level of the case of the case was 36.2%, so far.
In 448, the highest number of deaths was reported on May 3.

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