6 months, rumors still trigger vax doubts – News2IN

6 months, rumors still trigger vax doubts

6 months, rumors still trigger vax doubts
Written by news2in

Letter: Even though Prime Minister Narendra Modi begged the term ‘Bahubali’ for those who have taken the puncture Covid-19, hesitation of vaccines – driven by unfounding rumors – remains the main obstacle for the immunization drive launched six months ago.
The most common rumors do rounds in various communities and regions are vaccines that lead to impotence.
Then there were rumors about people who were seriously ill, suffering from kidney failure, developing pain in the legs and even dying after getting a vaccine.
That’s the negative impact of rumors that together with the government, various welfare organizations carried out a conscious campaign even after six months of roll-out vaccines.
Asad Kalyani, a Congress leader, is running a conscious campaign for vaccination in the Muslim community.
“The most common rumors are someone who becomes impotent or falls ill after vaccinated.
The majority of Muslims have not been vaccinated,” said Kalyani.
“Some of my patients ask whether the vaccine is safe and if it leads to impotence.
People should not believe this rumor and they must take Jab,” said Choksi, a psychiatrist.
With the majority of tribal communities have not taken vaccines, activists working with this section are also worried.
“Here too, the most common rumors are vaccines that lead to impotence.
But our efforts bring fruit and members of the tribal community gradually advance to get Jab.
Vaccination drives will get further momentum in the coming days,” said Vijay Rathod, a person Tribal Rights Activists in Navsari.

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