6 provinces in Canada report new daily highs for Coronavirus – News2IN

6 provinces in Canada report new daily highs for Coronavirus

6 provinces in Canada report new daily highs for Coronavirus
Written by news2in

Toronto: Coronavirus infection set a new one-day high in six Canadian provinces Wednesday, encouraging several provinces to impose more restrictions in the hope of containing the spread of omicron variants.
The biggest leap in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia, which is the most populous province in the country.
Quebec reported more than 13,000 new cases in the previous 24 hours, Ontario had 10,436 and British Columbia registered 2,944.
Manitoba, Alberta, and Newfoundland and Labrador also set new notes.
Manitoba reported 947 new infections, which solved the previous highest of 825 which was set only the day before.
Alberta said it had 2,775 and Newfoundland and Labrador reported 312.
British Columbia announced it would delay full refund to the classroom after Christmas breaks to provide enhanced school time.
The staff and students whose parents are health workers will return to school 3 or January 4 according to plan.
All other students returned January 10 January in Newfoundland and Labrador said the school would shift to distance learning after the holidays.
The Nunavut region extends the locking of “circuit breakers” until January 17 as an increase in strain infection of its health care system.
The rules are enforced before the Indoor Bans Christmas gauge, closing the library, fitness center, arena, and church, limiting restaurants for takeout services.

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