6 years after being introduced, NU implements an exam pattern 50:50 – News2IN

6 years after being introduced, NU implements an exam pattern 50:50

6 years after being introduced, NU implements an exam pattern 50:50
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Nearly six years after it was first proposed by the former Vice-Chancellor SP Kane, Nagpur University has implemented a test pattern in which the college 50:50 instructed to carry out the first semester exams, the third and fifth from non-professional undergraduate courses (BA, BCOM BSc, and other degrees).
Examinations for professional courses conducted reception despite the General Entrance Test (CET) will be carried out by the University, said Director of the Board of Inspection and Evaluation (BOOE) Prafulla Sable.
Meanwhile, private colleges with hard against NU step, saying it would be difficult for them to hold examinations in the absence of the number of teaching staff and non-teaching required along with infrastructure.
They accused the new government under VC Subhash Chaudhari force on their exams without considering their views.
Even when it was introduced by Kane and then Pro-VC Pramod Yeole in 2016, the institution has refused affiliation system for the same reasons.
Kane, who called the examination system 50:50 as his dream project, it can not implement it until the end of his term in 2020.
However, accompanying the decision NU, saying the proposal was liberated by all legal entities such as the academic council and management.
where representatives of private universities attended.
“This year, they just need to do a test first semester will start on the 14th February.
From next year, they will be entrusted with the responsibility of holding the paper the third semester.
In the next year, they will have semester exams fifth.
We have given them a time slot from February 14 to 28 to complete the formalities and send the signal to us, “said the Director.
Former Secretary of Principals’ Forum Anjan Naidu said that although he did not oppose the initiative NU, the government does not take the interests of confidence before “forcing a test against them”.
“Before taking the big, brass NU top should talk to all principals and teachers about their readiness.
Many colleges lack of staff and infrastructure of teaching and non-teaching.
They have taken the decision in haste without seeing even one meeting on the subject to this time, “said Naidu.
Replying Naidu, Director Boee said universities are asked to form a cluster with the lack of staff and infrastructure to perform the test.
“We do not limit the number of them in clusters.
They can share question papers on the same day.
We provide 75% of the cost of student exams and only save 25% with us.
They can share this number with other universities for holding the paper,” said Sable , Naidu, the principal DB Science College in Gondia, said NU has not clarified how the revenue will be shared between the universities through cluster models.
“Why are colleges with exceptional staff and infrastructure to help no other facility ?.
NU must evaluate the data how many colleges that have a full staff and infrastructure and help those who are less in both of these aspects,” said Naidu.
50:50 Test System First, Third and Fifth Semester: To be undertaken by universities, fourth and sixth semester exams: to be held by the university

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