63 trees fall in Bhandara violating an amended action – News2IN

63 trees fall in Bhandara violating an amended action

63 trees fall in Bhandara violating an amended action
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Violating Preservation & Protection of Maharashtra Tree (Urban Area) which was changed, in 1975, Head of Bhandara City Council officers enabled the Public Works Department (PWD) to fell 63 trees through two separate permissions.
In the jurisdiction of the city council, the head of the officer is a tree officer empowered to give permission to fall trees.
The head of the Jadhav Vinod officer allegedly passed the measure of the mandate that stated 50 years as a ‘inheritance’ tree to increase the cover of forests and trees, and if at all this tree was allowed to be cut, the project initiator must plant the same tree.
Funned age.
The question against the Chief Officer Municipal Akot has been delayed to allow PWD down 153 trees.
Most of them are legacy trees.
PWD Deputy Engineers on June 21 and July 13, 2021, have asked permission to fall and cut 63 trees in the government office quarter in civil lines.
The head of the official gave permission on October 4, 2021, when the amendment act had applicable.
Nadeem Khan, Warden Wildlife Honor Bhandara, who received complaints from Dr.
Suhas Gajbhiye and others, lifted alarm and stopped the logging of large-scale but almost all trees were cut.
Logging causes great ecological damage and many birds lose their homes.
Khan accused that there were no procedures followed before logging trees and no public comments / objections were invited by issuing ads in local newspapers.
“There is no permission from the tree authority sought.
Trees are also cut down at the house of the circuit under the same license,” Khan said.
Shailendra Singh Rajput from the Wildlife Watch Foundation, said, “Two separate logging commands were issued with the same outward numbers.
In one booking permissions for 27 trees have been given and the others with the same outer numbers nodding to fall 36 trees have been given.
That, permission to fall 12 additional trees was written by hand, thus increasing doubts.
These trees were cut down in the last two days by the Naresh Bhure contractor, who had been on the blacklist by the Ministry of Forestry.
“Toi has a copy of the permit.
Khan said permission was trying to cut only tree branches that could pose a danger for residents but all trees were cut in a hurry and the tractor load was even transported.
“The remaining trees have been stocked in front of the government hostel,” he said.
Deputy engineer PWD Bharat Meshram provides a contradictory reply.
“We only cut two trees.
The remaining trees are cut by the government hostel supervisor.
Even though permission is searched for 57 trees, I do not know who falls these trees.” The head of the Jadhav Vinod officer did not respond to Ti’s call.

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