7 Accepted for June 18 presidential Elections: Iran Say TV – News2IN

7 Accepted for June 18 presidential Elections: Iran Say TV

7 Accepted for June 18 presidential Elections: Iran Say TV
Written by news2in

TEHRAN: Iran appointed seven candidates Tuesday because of the June 18 presidential elections approving the candidacy of this hard-line cleric conducting the nation’s judiciary when hammering a former parliament speaker attached into the nation’s recent president. The decision by Iran’s Guardian Council places judiciary leader Ebrahim Raisi, that ran from President Hassan Rouhani at 2017, at the driver’s chair to the approaching vote. A statement on state television did not talk about the fact the former parliament speaker Ali Larijani, a conservative that merged with Rouhani in the last few decades, was barred. Larijani was positioning himself as a pragmatic candidate who’d back Rouhani’s touch 2015 atomic bargain with world forces. Additionally beating was prior hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Rouhani’s senior Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri, a reformist. State TV previously quoted Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei, ” the spokesman of the Guardian Council, as stating”just seven” were accepted from a 590 who enrolled by the board of clerics and jurists controlled by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Kadkhodaei didn’t name these selected. In 2017, 1,630 hopefuls enrolled to operate.

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