Ludhiana: Seven thieves targeted a sports fabric showroom at Sundar Nagar on Wednesday morning.
The theft was revealed around 9:30 a.m., when the Manish Goyal showroom owner reached there.
Goyal said, “When I saw the shower showroom behind him broken.
I rushed and found a broken cash drawer and money stolen.
I then checked the CCTV installed in place.
The camera has arrested the defendant.” About 5.14 in the morning seven defendants came outside the showroom .
“They have all discussed themselves with scarves.
They use the iron rod to open the shutter.
One of them entered the showroom and six others stand out.
He brought a torch.
From the cash drawer, he stole Rs 70,000 and fled in a few minutes.” Amrit Inspector PAL said FIR was submitted.