77 years died after an ambulance failed to start in Bokaro – News2IN

77 years died after an ambulance failed to start in Bokaro

Written by news2in

Bokaro: A critical 77-year-old patient died on Sunday at the Gomia Community Health Center (CHC) after the Government’s ambulance 108 managed by the government failed.
A photo of the CHC staff pushed an ambulance to start, it has also become a viral on social media.
Handheld by the incident, a family member who died Shishil Prasad accused the staff managed to manage and failure to maintain an ambulance in working conditions, so that he played with the lives of ordinary people.
The family member said Prasad was brought to CHC after his health deteriorated suddenly while fighting high blood pressure.
After finding his condition seriously, the doctors referred him to the conscious Bokaro Hospital.
Kundan Prasad, the relatives of the deceased, said, “He must be transported with an ambulance 108 and is waiting in bed.
However, the ambulance failed to start.
Prasad died of a lack of care on time after an ambulance failure.” The source said the ambulance had faced technical problems since the month Then and must be repeatedly pushed to start.
Bokaro DC, Kuldeep Kumar Chaudhary on Monday said he had ordered an investigation into the incident.
“We are investigating this problem to know the problem in ambulances and improve accountability,” he said.
The Director of the Gomia Health Center, Dr.
Halan Barla said, “The hospital staff tried to start the ambulance by encouraging him but did not succeed.
The second ambulance was also regulated, but the health of the patient deteriorated and he died.”

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