7K school leaders to attend the CBSE online conference – News2IN

7K school leaders to attend the CBSE online conference

Written by news2in

Ludhiana: Samiti Sahodaya Gwalior will hold the 27th Sahodaya School Complex National Conference under the Aegis Central Secondary Education Council (CBSE) on Monday and Tuesday in online mode.
Themes for ‘Punarnava – Rediscovery of India @ 75’ are 75 years of Indian independence.
This event will be part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav campaign from the Ministry of Education and its autonomous body.
Madhya Pradesh Mangubhai Governor C Patel, Minister of Madhya Pradesh Minister of Shivraj Singh Chauhan, Minister of Compatibility for Subhas Subhas Education, Central School Secretary of the Department of Secretary of Anita Karwal, and CBSE Chairman Manoj Ahuja will attend.
A number of speakers from various professions will share their experiences and expertise with the participants.
More than 7,000 school leaders will join a virtual conference.
There will be a session about ‘game-based learning’, ‘music as a teaching tool’, ‘mitigating climate change’, ‘storytelling power’, ‘the importance of archeology’, ‘yoga for efficiency’, ‘mental health and the importance of sports in education’, and ‘Strategy for effective implementation of new education policy 2020.
E-exhibition E-exhibition works will be part of the conference.
E-souvenirs that showcase the best practices adopted by schools in preserving state heritage will be released on that occasion.
This conference is estimated to increase the implementation of NEP in the CBSE affiliate school.
Sub-themes will focus on various policy recommendations.

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