‘88% of the test sample quiping genome + ve for delta ‘ – News2IN

‘88% of the test sample quiping genome + ve for delta ‘

'88% of the test sample quiping genome + ve for delta '
Written by news2in

Jaipur: For almost a month after the sequencing of the genome began at SMS Medical College, the microbiology has so far checked 240 covid-19 samples.
In accordance with their investigations and studies, 88% are Delta variants, while no Delta Plus variants found so far.
Toi on Friday talked to doctors and authorities to find out how the genome sequencing center in SMS facilitated in studying various Covid-19 variants.
“We have so far examined 240 samples which are also from various other parts of the country.
Of these, 88% of our sample is a Delta variant, while no Delta Plus has been found so far,” said Dr.
Sudhir Bhandari, the principal and controller, Medical College SMS.
Outlining more other variants, Bhandari, said, “From here, we have found 7 variants B.1, one Alpha variant, two Kappa variants, 213 is a Delta variant and 17 no interested variants.” He added that the sequencing center of the genome currently takes 60 samples per week and at the next stage the sample number per week will increase.
“We are targeting to have a minimum genome sequencing of 80 samples per week in the coming days with enhanced infrastructure,” he added.
According to the numbers available with the Ministry of Health apart from the 737 samples sent out of the country including several to NIV, Pune.
“In this sample too, we found 666 samples for Delta variants which were 90% of the total samples and one delta plus from Bikaner was only found,” said an officer.
The molecular hematology lab to increase cancer treatment of blood cancer treatment in the country is getting better because patients can now get genetic mutation tests carried out in advanced molecular haemotology laboratories in the Sawai Medical College of Man Singh.
With a lab, patients and doctors will be able to know the idea where genetic disorders have caused blood cancer.
Health Minister Raghu Sharma on Friday said, “We have started a new test for hemophiliac patients for F-VIII inhibitors.
These inhibitors develop in hemophilia patients after infusion of sustainable F-VIII.
This test is currently not available anywhere in Rajasthan The government sector and will prove to be a gift for hemophilic patients in their care and further care, “he added.

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