89% of Indians believe the school must educate children with online safety: McAfee studies – News2IN

89% of Indians believe the school must educate children with online safety: McAfee studies

89% of Indians believe the school must educate children with online safety: McAfee studies
Written by news2in

Chennai: A new study from McAfee Corp showed that 89% of Indians believe that schools must educate children with online safety.
Of these, 62% believe that health and digital protection must have a separate curriculum itself while 27% feel they must be integrated into such technology subjects.
This study is part of the consumer mindset report published in India on June 8 report, which has 1,000 respondents from India, found that 81% of the words since last year, at least one member in their household began full time or online learning part time through Virtual platform.
At 34% of households, these students fell between the age group 18-24 years, attended by 29% between 13 and 18 years, 24% between 5 and 12 years, 21% between 25 and 35 years, 16% more than 35 years and 9% even under the age of 5 years.
Given that a large young audience has adapted to virtual learning, there is a greater need to ensure their online safety and encourage that 36% of respondents participate in distant learning to buy new security / protection technology in India.
Safe! You have managed to throw your votelogin to see results “because they turn to remote and e-learning, students today, are at high risk of online threats because of the time they spent online and they adapt to newer tools.
With students and The teacher is now operating from a lower controlled environment, the need to educate them on the basics such as phishing, cyberbullying, and instill cybersecurity cleanliness as a whole is very important.
Educational institutions must approach cybersecurity holistically, especially now technology includes almost every aspect of children , “said Judith Bitterli, a senior consumer vice president at McAfee.
“When technology has changed the education sector, Cybersecurity must also be part of the school curriculum, and entrenched the way we teach, and the way we learn.”
Tips for staying safe
· Don’t click on everything you see – even though you know the sender, never click on all types of not requested links included in the email, text message, or pop-up screen.
· Don’t be excessive by sharing – maximizing privacy settings on all social profiles and engaging in safe social networks.
· Access from home safely – Use VPN when children access online learning services from home to protect the privacy of internet connections with bank level encryption to stop hackers steal personal information such as passwords or data.
· Teach personal responsibility – Ask children to question the content they read or watch online to determine whether it is credible before making a decision.
· Strong and complex passwords – a strong password is very important, and therefore, one must use a complex Sidratan and a combination of letters, characters, and numbers.
Prefer the authentication of two factors to add additional protection layers between you and potential attackers.
· Share careful information – while studying online, maybe there are examples where children are asked to exchange information with their colleagues.

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