9/11 Attack: 20 years on, Muslims continue to face Come – News2IN

9/11 Attack: 20 years on, Muslims continue to face Come

9/11 Attack: 20 years on, Muslims continue to face Come
Written by news2in

New Delhi: 20 years have passed since the deadly 9/11 terror attack rocked the US, but Muslims throughout America continued to face discrimination and hostility.
Islamophobia is in the US and elsewhere long before 9/11.
However, attacks – planned and executed by Al-Qaida – intensify these anososities.
The misunderstanding, stereotypes and hatred rhetoric about Islam have affected the life of thousands of Muslims since then.
While some have found a way to challenge stereotypes and fight bias, many are still learning to overcome the torrent of the 9/11 attack pain released.
Polling in the US shows that the views of Islam and Muslims worsen steadily and quickly follows the attack.
In 2010, almost half of all Americans believe that Islam encourages violence.
Since 2001, Muslims have become the second most common target for religious-motivated crimes, FBI data shows.
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