9/11 Family Tell Biden To Pass Memorial If He Does Not Decorate Files – News2IN

9/11 Family Tell Biden To Pass Memorial If He Does Not Decorate Files

9/11 Family Tell Biden To Pass Memorial If He Does Not Decorate Files
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: Family members of the September 11 attack victims against US President Joe Biden’s participation at a warning event unless he declassified the government documents they would show that Saudi Arabian leaders supported the attack.
Family members of the victims, joined the first respondent and the victim of the attack, released a letter on Friday as a 20-year anniversary close to asking Biden to pass the commemoration of this year unless he released these documents.
“Twenty years later, there is no reason – unmatched claims ‘national security’ or vice versa – to maintain the secrets of this information,” the letter said.
“But if President Biden denies his commitment and his party with the Saudi government, we will be forced to openly objections to any participation by his government in every 9/11 warning ceremony.” In total, around 1,700 people who were directly affected by the 9/11 attack signed the letter.
Saudi Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for a comment.
Family members from 9/11 Victims have long searched for US government documents related to whether Saudi Arabia helped or finance one of 19 people related to Al Qaeda who carried out a devastating attack, crashing into a plane to the New York World Trade Center, the Pentagon outside Washington and the field of Pennsylvania.
Nearly 3,000 people died.
Fifteen of the 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia.
The US government commission did not find evidence that Saudi Arabia immediately funded Al Qaeda.
It is left open whether individual officials may have.
Saudi Arabia is being prosecuted for billions of dollars by the family of around 2,500 of those who are killed, and by more than 20,000 people who suffer injury, business, and various insurance companies.

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